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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


Which of the following leaders was associated with the Naxalite movement between 1960 to 1970?


E.M.S. Namboothiripad

Charu Majumdar

A.K. Gopalan

E.K. Nayanar

Correct Answer:

Charu Majumdar


The correct answer is Option 2 - Charu Majumdar

Charu Mazumdar (1918-1972) was a prominent communist revolutionary known for his leadership in the Naxalbari uprising. He later disassociated from the Communist Party of India (CPI) and went on to establish the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist). Charu Mazumdar advocated for the Maoist approach, emphasizing peasant rebellion, and staunchly supported revolutionary violence. Tragically, he met his demise while in police custody. In 1967 a peasant uprising took place in the Naxalbari police station area of the Darjeeling Hills district in West Bengal under the leadership of the local cadres of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). Beginning from the Naxalbari police station, the peasant movement spread to several states of India and came to be referred to broadly as the Naxalite movement.