Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Examine the four jumbled sentences. Out of the given options, pick the one that gives their correct order.

A. If you have a reputation for being honest, others will respect you because they trust you.

B. I guess it means someone doesn’t lie, steal or deceive.

C. So, what does it mean to be honest?

D. It, also, demands truth all the time and show integrity.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (1) - CBDA

The correct order for the jumbled sentences about honesty is: CBDA

Here's why:

C. So, what does it mean to be honest? - This sentence sets the stage by posing the main question about the definition of honesty.

B. I guess it means someone doesn’t lie, steal or deceive. - This sentence offers a preliminary answer to the question - honesty involves truthfulness and avoiding misleading behavior. It connects to the previous sentence by providing an initial explanation.

D. It, also, demands truth all the time and show integrity. - This sentence expands on the definition of honesty - it requires consistent truthfulness and moral uprightness. It builds on sentence B by adding more details about what honesty entails.

A. If you have a reputation for being honest, others will respect you because they trust you. - This sentence explains the consequence of being honest - gaining respect and trust from others. It connects back to the main question (C) by highlighting the benefit of honesty.