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Psychological Disorders


What type of Neuro developmental disorder is it when children experience profound difficulties in relating to other people, to initiate social interaction and communication, have a restricted range of interests and a strong desire for routine? They display stereotypical body movements and deviant speech pattern.


Attention deficit Hyper activity Disorder

Separation Anxiety Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Correct Answer:

Autism Spectrum Disorder


he neurodevelopmental disorder you described is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

ASD is a complex developmental condition that affects communication and behavior. People with ASD may have difficulty with social interaction, communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.

Here are some of the common symptoms of ASD:

  • Difficulty with social interaction
  • Difficulty with communication
  • Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors
  • Sensory sensitivities
  • Motor difficulties

ASD is a spectrum disorder, which means that it can vary widely in severity. Some people with ASD may need a lot of support in their daily lives, while others may be able to live independently. There is no cure for ASD, but there are treatments and therapies that can help people with ASD manage their symptoms and live fulfilling lives.

  • Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive anxiety about being separated from attachment figures.
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that is characterized by a pattern of negativism, defiance, and disobedience towards authority figures.