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General Test


General Knowledge


Prophet Muhammad founded the faith of Islam in the ______ century.






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 3- seventh

Prophet Muhammad founded the faith of Islam in the seventh century.

Islam is a monotheistic religion teaching that there is only one God (Allah), and that Muhammad is a messenger of God. It is the world's second-largest religion with over 1.9 billion followers or 24.9% of the world's population, known as Muslims. Muslims make up a majority of the population in 50 countries. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful, and unique, and has guided mankind through prophets, revealed scriptures and natural signs. The primary scriptures of Islam are the Quran, believed to be the verbatim word of God, and the teachings and normative examples (called the sunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570 – 8 June 632 CE).

Muhammad was born in Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula in c. 570 CE. He was an orphan and raised by his grandfather and uncle. In 610 CE, Muhammad received his first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel. He began to preach the message of Islam, and he was soon joined by a small group of followers.

Muhammad faced persecution from the leaders of Mecca, and he and his followers fled to Medina in 622 CE. This event, known as the Hijrah, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, Muhammad established himself as a political and religious leader. He united the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula under the banner of Islam.

Muhammad died in 632 CE. By the time of his death, Islam had spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula. In the following centuries, Islam spread to all parts of the world. Today, Islam is one of the major religions of the world.