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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


What is the full form of 'NATO'?


North Asian Trade Organisation

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

North Atlantic Trade Organisation

North Asian Treaty Organisation

Correct Answer:

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation


The correct answer is option (2) - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). NATO is a prominent and long-standing military alliance formed to ensure the collective defence of its member countries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) came into existence in April 1949. It was an association of twelve states which declared that an armed attack on any one of them in Europe or North America would be regarded as an attack on all of them. Each of these states would be obliged to help the other.

NATO, or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a military alliance that was established in 1949 with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty. Its original membership included various Western European nations, the United States, and Canada. The purpose of NATO was to provide collective defense against the threat of expansion by the Soviet Union and its allies.