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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


What factors can influence population growth and changes in population density?


Birth rate and immigration

Death rate and emigration

Availability of resources and competition

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option (4)- All of the above

Population growth and changes in population density are influenced by various factors. Some of the key factors include:

  • Birth rate: The rate at which new individuals are born into the population. Higher birth rates contribute to population growth.
  • Death rate: The rate at which individuals die within the population. Higher death rates can decrease population size.
  • Immigration: The movement of individuals into a population from another population or habitat. Immigration can increase the population size.
  • Emigration: The movement of individuals out of a population to another population or habitat. Emigration can decrease the population size.
  • Availability of resources: The availability of essential resources such as food, water, and shelter can influence population growth. Limited resources can restrict population growth.
  • Competition: Interactions between individuals within a population for limited resources can impact population growth. Intense competition may limit population size.

These factors interact with each other and can have complex effects on population growth and changes in density. Understanding these factors is important for studying and managing populations in ecological research and conservation efforts.