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Target Exam





Indian Society: Challenges of Cultural Diversity


Which of the following statements about Communalism are correct?

(A) Communal means something related to a community.
(B) Communalism is about religion, not politics.
(C) A devout believer may or may not be communal.
(D) Communalism results in constructing identity of large and diverse groups as singular and homogeneous.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A), (B) and (D) only

(A), (B) and (C) only

(A), (C) and (D) only

(B), (C) and (D) only

Correct Answer:

(A), (C) and (D) only


The correct answer is Option (3) - (A), (C) and (D) only

"In everyday language, the word ‘communalism’ refers to aggressive chauvinism based on religious identity. Chauvinism itself is an attitude that sees one’s own group as the only legitimate or worthy group, with other groups being seen – by definition – as inferior, illegitimate and opposed. Thus, to simplify further, communalism is an aggressive political ideology linked to religion. This is a peculiarly Indian, or perhaps South Asian, meaning that is different from the sense of the ordinary English word. In the English language, “communal” means something related to a community (A) or collectivity as different from an individual. The English meaning is neutral, whereas the South Asian meaning is strongly charged. The charge may be seen as positive – if one is sympathetic to communalism – or negative, if one is opposed to it. 

It is important to emphasise that communalism is about politics, not about religion (B is incorrect). Although communalists are intensely involved with religion, there is in fact no necessary relationship between personal faith and communalism. A communalist may or may not be a devout person, and devout believers may or may not be communalists (C). However, all communalists do believe in a political identity based on religion. The key factor is the attitude towards those who believe in other kinds of identities, including other religion-based identities. Communalists cultivate an aggressive political identity, and are prepared to condemn or attack everyone who does not share their identity.

One of the characteristic features of communalism is its claim that religious identity overrides everything else. Whether one is poor or rich, whatever one’s occupation, caste or political beliefs, it is religion alone that counts. All Hindus are the same as are all Muslims, Sikhs and so on. This has the effect of constructing large and diverse groups as singular and homogenous (D)."