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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Regional Aspirations


How did these communities like the Bodos, Karbis, and Dimasas in Assam work towards their demand for separate States?


Mobilizing public opinion and popular movements

Through diplomatic negotiations

Through international protests

By seeking foreign aid

Correct Answer:

Mobilizing public opinion and popular movements


The reorganization of the North-East was concluded by 1972; however, this did not mark the culmination of autonomy-related demands in the region. In Assam, various communities such as the Bodos, Karbis, and Dimasas expressed their desire for separate States. They pursued this demand through activities that included mobilizing public sentiment, engaging in popular movements, and even resorting to insurgency. In many cases, multiple communities claimed the same territory, making it impractical to continually subdivide the region into smaller states. Consequently, alternative provisions within our federal structure were employed to address their autonomy aspirations while remaining within the boundaries of Assam. Notably, the Karbis and Dimasas were granted autonomy through District Councils, while the Bodos were recently accorded an Autonomous Council.