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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: World Population-Distribution, Density and growth


Read the given passage carefully and answer following question:-

Apart from birth and death, there is another way by which the population size changes.

When people move from one place to another, the place they move from is called the place of origin and the place they move to is called the place of destination. The place of the origin shows a decrease in population while the population increases in the place of destination. Migration may be interpreted as a spontaneous effort to achieve a better balance between population and resources.

Migration may be permanent, temporary or seasonal. It may take place from rural to rural areas, rural to urban areas, urban to urban areas and urban to rural areas.

People migrate for a better economic and social life. There are two sets of factors that influence migration. The push factors make the place of origin seem less attractive for reasons like unemployment, poor living conditions, political turmoil, unpleasant climate, natural disasters, epidemics and socio-economic backwardness. The pull factors make the place of destination seem more attractive than the place of origin for reasons like better job opportunities and living conditions, peace and stability, security of life and property and pleasant climate.

Which of the following is NOT a component of population change?




Mid year population


Correct Answer:

Mid year population


The correct answer is Option (3) → Mid year population

The component that is NOT a part of population change is "Mid year population."

1. Migration is a component of population change because it involves the movement of people from one place to another, leading to changes in the population of both the place of origin and the place of destination.

2. Birth is a component of population change because it represents the increase in population due to the addition of new individuals through childbirth.

3. Death is a component of population change because it represents the decrease in population due to individuals passing away.

"Mid year population" is not a component of population change; it is a specific point in time population estimate often used for demographic analysis but does not represent a factor causing changes in population.