Practicing Success

Target Exam







What is the category of the bear that consumes a fish that previously consumed bugs that ate algae?


Primary producer

Primary consumer

Secondary consumer

Tertiary consumer


Correct Answer:

Tertiary consumer



The correct answer is (d) tertiary consumer.

In the given scenario, the bear that eats a fish that further ate bugs that consumed algae is considered a secondary consumer. The algae, being a primary producer, serves as the foundation of the food chain. The bugs, which feed on the algae, are the primary consumers. The fish, in turn, consumes the bugs, making it a secondary consumer. Finally, the bear consumes the fish, placing it in the category of a tertiary consumer.

So, a bear that eats a fish that further ate bugs that ate algae is a tertiary consumer.

Option (a) primary producer is incorrect because primary producers are the organisms that produce their own food, such as plants or algae.

Option (b) primary consumer is incorrect because the bear is not directly consuming the primary producers (algae) but rather consuming a secondary consumer (the fish).

Option (c) Secondary consumer is incorrect because Secondary consumers typically feed on primary consumers.

Therefore, the correct choice is (d) Tertiary consumer, as the bear feeds on the fish, which itself consumed bugs that ate algae.