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Target Exam





Medieval India: An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara


Which of the following kings of the Vijayanagar Empire tried to play off one Sultan against a Sultan of nearby areas that led the Sultans to combine together and decisively defeat him?


Krishan Dev raya

Rama Raya



Correct Answer:

Rama Raya


The correct answer is Option 2 - Rama Raya

Although the armies of the Sultans were responsible for the destruction of the city of Vijayanagara, relations between the Sultans and the rayas were not always or inevitably hostile, in spite of religious differences. Krishnadeva Raya, for example, supported some claimants to power in the Sultanates and took pride in the title “establisher of the Yavana kingdom”. Similarly, the Sultan of Bijapur intervened to resolve succession disputes in Vijayanagara following the death of Krishnadeva Raya. In fact the Vijayanagara kings were keen to ensure the stability of the Sultanates and vice versa. It was the adventurous policy of Rama Raya who tried to play off one Sultan against another that led the Sultans to combine together and decisively defeat him.