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General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following polyester is made by blending polyester and cotton?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 2. Terrycot.

Terrycot is a blended fabric made by combining polyester and cotton fibers. This blend combines the properties of both polyester and cotton to create a fabric with enhanced characteristics. Here's an explanation:

1. Polyester:  Polyester is a synthetic fiber known for its durability, wrinkle resistance, and color retention. It is often used in fabrics to provide strength and resistance to wear and tear.

2. Cotton:  Cotton, a natural fiber, is known for its comfort, breathability, and moisture-absorbing properties. It is commonly used in textiles for its softness and comfort against the skin.

3. Terrycot Blend:  Terrycot is created by blending polyester and cotton fibers in varying proportions. The specific ratio of polyester to cotton can be adjusted to achieve desired properties.

4. Characteristics of Terrycot: The blend of polyester and cotton in Terrycot results in a fabric that combines the strength and durability of polyester with the comfort and breathability of cotton. Terrycot fabrics are often used for casual wear, sportswear, and home textiles.

5. Versatility: Terrycot is a versatile fabric that benefits from the positive attributes of both fibers. It is commonly used in the production of various garments and household textiles.

6. Care and Maintenance: Terrycot fabrics are generally easy to care for, and they may require less ironing compared to fabrics made solely from natural fibers like cotton.

In summary, Terrycot is a polyester-cotton blend that brings together the strengths of both fibers to create a versatile fabric suitable for a range of applications, offering a balance of durability and comfort.