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Grammar: Idioms


Choose the correct idiom to fill in the blank.

Rajan is an ambitious person and he has begun to make a habit of _______ from his potential rivals by outshining them.


stealing the thunder

being a mover and shaker

blazing a trail

batting an eye

Correct Answer:

stealing the thunder

 The best idiom to fill the blank in the sentence about Rajan is: stealing the thunder

Here's why:

  • Stealing the thunder: This idiom perfectly captures the act of taking credit or attention away from someone else, often someone who deserves it more. In the context of Rajan's ambition and outshining his rivals, it accurately paints the picture of him overshadowing their potential achievements.
  • Being a mover and shaker: While this describes someone who is influential and active, it doesn't directly relate to "outshining" rivals.
  • Blazing a trail: This could apply if Rajan is creating a new path or achieving something unprecedented, but it doesn't specifically involve surpassing others.
  • Batting an eye: This idiom means to not hesitate or show any concern, which isn't relevant to the context of Rajan's actions.