Practicing Success

Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Geographical Perspective on selected issues and Problems


Which of the following does not apply to people living in slums?


Well paid workers

Living in over crowded areas

Narrow streets in their localities

At high health risks

Correct Answer:

Well paid workers


The correct answer is Option (1) → Well paid workers

1. Well-paid workers: This option does not apply to people living in slums. Slums are often characterized by poverty and inadequate living conditions. Residents of slums typically engage in informal and low-wage labor, facing economic challenges. "Well-paid workers" implies a level of income and job stability that is generally inconsistent with the economic conditions in slum areas.

Slums are residential areas of the least choice, dilapidated houses, poor hygienic conditions, poor ventilation, lack of basic amenities, like drinking water, light and toilet facilities, etc. Open defecation, unregulated drainage system and overcrowded narrow street patterns are serious health and socioenvironmental hazards.