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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


Read the passage and answer the question:

While the Brahmanas considered some people as being outside the system, they also developed a sharper social divide by classifying certain social categories as “untouchable”. This rested on a notion that certain activities, especially those connected with the performance of rituals, were sacred and by extension “pure”. Those who considered themselves pure avoided taking food from those they designated as “untouchable”. In sharp contrast to the purity aspect, some activities were regarded as particularly “polluting”. These included handling corpses and dead animals. Those who performed such tasks, designated as chandalas, were placed at the very bottom of the hierarchy. Their touch and, in some cases, even seeing them was regarded as “polluting” by those who claimed to be at the top of the social order.

Who were designated as 'chandalas' in the social hierarchy?


Brahmanas who performed rituals and sacrifices

Kshatriyas who engaged in warfare and administration

Vaishyas who were involved in agriculture and trade

Individuals engaged in activities considered "polluting"

Correct Answer:

Individuals engaged in activities considered "polluting"


The correct answer is Option 4 - Individuals engaged in activities considered "polluting"

As per the passage:

In sharp contrast to the purity aspect, some activities were regarded as particularly “polluting”. These included handling corpses and dead animals. Those who performed such tasks, designated as chandalas, were placed at the very bottom of the hierarchy. Their touch and, in some cases, even seeing them was regarded as “polluting” by those who claimed to be at the top of the social order.