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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

To cut a long story short


Tell something briefly

Like to tell long stories

Tell something in a roundabout way

Like to tell short stories

Correct Answer:

Tell something briefly


The most appropriate meaning of the given idiom "to cut a long story short" is (1) Tell something briefly.

This idiom is used to say that you are going to summarize a long story or explanation. It is often used when someone is telling a story that is taking too long or when someone is getting too bogged down in details.

The other options do not fit the meaning of the idiom.

  • Like to tell long stories means that someone enjoys telling long stories.
  • Tell something in a roundabout way means to tell something in a way that is indirect or confusing.
  • Like to tell short stories means that someone enjoys telling short stories.