Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Statements, Assumptions and Conclusions


In this question, certain statements are given followed by a conclusion based upon them. Chose the alternative which best applies to the given statements and conclusion.

Statement: I. The non-confindence motion is often allowed to be debated upon II. There was a non-confidence motion last week.

Conclusion: It was debated upon by the parties concerned.

The conclusion drawn is:


Definitely true

Probably false

Definitely false

Can't say

Correct Answer:

Can't say


I. The non-confindence motion is often allowed to be debated upon

II. There was a non-confidence motion last week.

Conclusion :-  It was debated upon by the parties concerned.

As it is mentioned in statement that non-confindence motion is often allowed to be debated . So,

We it may be or not that It was debated upon by the parties concerned.

ANs :- Can't say