Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: Environment and Natural Resources


India signed and ratified Kyoto Protocol in which year?


August 1997

August 2001

August 2002

August 1979

Correct Answer:

August 2002


The correct answer is Option (3) - August 2002

India signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in August 2002.

Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty that extended the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Certain gases like Carbon dioxide, Methane, Hydro-fluorocarbons etc. are considered at least partly responsible for global warming - the rise in global temperature which may have catastrophic consequences for life on Earth. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997, and it entered into force on February 16, 2005. India signed and ratified the 1997 Kyoto Protocol in August 2002. India, China and other developing countries were exempt from the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol because their contribution to the emission of greenhouse gases during the industrialisation period (that is believed to be causing today’s global warming and climate change) was not significant.