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Target Exam







Choose the most appropriate Direct Speech of the given sentence in Indirect Speech:

Sawant persisted that he did not mind the rain and he had to leave.


Sawant told, "I don't mind the rain, I should leave."

Sawant said, "Let it rain, I have to leave."

Sawant said, "Let it rain, I went."

Sawant said, "I did not care for rain, I will leave."

Correct Answer:

Sawant told, "I don't mind the rain, I should leave."


The correct answer is Option (1) → "Sawant told, 'I don't mind the rain, I should leave.'"

Option 1: "Sawant told, 'I don't mind the rain, I should leave.'"

  • This option accurately captures the original statement by Sawant in direct speech. It maintains the tense and meaning of the original sentence. Sawant directly states his feelings about the rain and his intention to leave.

Option 2: "Sawant said, 'Let it rain, I have to leave.'"

  • This option changes the original meaning of Sawant's statement. In the original sentence, Sawant did not express a desire for the rain to continue ("Let it rain"). Additionally, the use of "have to leave" instead of "had to leave" alters the tense of the original sentence.

Option 3: "Sawant said, 'Let it rain, I went.'"

  • This option completely changes the meaning of Sawant's statement. It suggests that Sawant has already left ("I went"), which contradicts the original sentence's context of Sawant needing to leave.

Option 4: "Sawant said, 'I did not care for rain, I will leave.'"

  • This option also alters the original meaning of Sawant's statement. It changes "did not mind" to "did not care for," which slightly changes the nuance of Sawant's feelings about the rain. Additionally, it changes "had to leave" to "will leave," altering the tense and suggesting a future action rather than an immediate need to leave.

In summary, Option 1 provides the most accurate representation of Sawant's original statement in direct speech, maintaining both the tense and meaning of the original sentence. Therefore, it is the most appropriate choice.