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General Test


General Knowledge


Who became the first player of Indian origin to play in an NBA game?


Amjyot Singh

Sim Bhullar

Palpreet Singh

Satnam Singh

Correct Answer:

Sim Bhullar


The correct answer is Option (2) - Sim Bhullar

Sim Bhullar, born on December 2, 1992, in Toronto, Canada, to Indian parents, is the first player of Indian origin to play in an NBA game. Bhullar's entry into the NBA marked a historic moment for basketball, particularly for people of Indian descent. Standing at 7 feet 5 inches tall, Bhullar's towering presence on the court attracted attention and generated excitement among basketball fans worldwide. Bhullar's NBA debut came on April 7, 2015, when he played for the Sacramento Kings against the Minnesota Timberwolves. While his playing time was limited during his NBA career, Bhullar's presence on the court symbolized the growing global reach of basketball and its appeal to diverse audiences.

Sim Bhullar's journey to the NBA served as an inspiration for aspiring basketball players, especially those of Indian descent, who saw him as a trailblazer and a role model. His entry into the league helped to popularize basketball in India and encouraged greater participation in the sport. Overall, Sim Bhullar's NBA debut represented a significant milestone in the sport's history, highlighting the increasing diversity and inclusivity within basketball and paving the way for future generations of players from diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams in the NBA.