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Target Exam





Ancient India: Bricks, Beads and Bones


What do archaeologists look for to identify centres of craft production?


Artefacts made of precious materials

Ancient texts and manuscripts

Raw materials, tools, unfinished objects, rejects, and waste material

Pottery and ceramics

Correct Answer:

Raw materials, tools, unfinished objects, rejects, and waste material


To identify centres of craft production, archaeologists typically search for specific indicators. These include raw materials like stone nodules, whole shells, and copper ore, as well as tools, unfinished objects, and waste materials. Waste materials are particularly valuable as they provide clear evidence of craft activities. When objects are made from materials like shell or stone, fragments and discarded pieces are left behind at the production site. While larger waste pieces may be reused, tiny remnants are often found in the work area. These traces suggest that craft production occurred not only in small, specialized centers but also in larger cities such as Mohenjodaro and Harappa.