Target Exam





Developing Psychological Skills


Match the following:

a) Interpersonal Skills i)  ability to be sensitive to one’s own behaviour or others
b) Affective Skills ii) ability to listen and be empathic
c) Reflective Skills iii) time management
d) Personal Skills: iv) emotional control and balance

a- (iii); b- (i); c- (iv); d- (ii)

a- (iii); b- (iv); c- (ii); d- (i)

a-  (ii) ; b- (iv) ; c-(i)  ; d- (iii)

a-  (ii) ; b- (i) ; c-(iii)  ; d- (iv)

Correct Answer:

a-  (ii) ; b- (iv) ; c-(i)  ; d- (iii)

a) Interpersonal Skills ability to listen and be empathic
b) Affective Skills emotional control and balance
c) Reflective Skills ability to be sensitive to one’s own behaviour or others
d) Personal Skills:  time management

Intellectual and Personal Skills

1. Interpersonal Skills: ability to listen and be empathic, to develop respect for/interest in others’ cultures, experiences, values, points of view, goals and desires, fears, openness to receive feedback, etc. These skills are expressed verbally and/or non-verbally.

 2. Cognitive Skills: ability to solve problems, engage in critical thinking and organised reasoning, and having intellectual curiosity and flexibility.

 3. Affective Skills: emotional control and balance, tolerance/understanding of interpersonal conflict, tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainty.

4. Personality/Attitude: desire to help others, openness to new ideas, honesty/integrity/ value ethical behaviour, personal courage.

 5. Expressive Skills: ability to communicate one’s ideas, feelings and information in verbal, non-verbal, and written forms.

6. Reflective Skills: ability to examine and consider one’s own motives, attitudes, behaviours and ability to be sensitive to one’s own behaviour or others.

7. Personal Skills: personal organisation, personal hygiene, time management, and appropriate dress.