Arrange the following statements in correct sequence of events: (A) Effort to reorganise into ethno-linguistic states (B) Indian State continued with British-Indian arrangement of presidencies (C) Vigorous movements among Maratha and Kannada Speakers in Bombay and Madras presidencies (D) Pakistan was divided between Urdu and Punjabi speakers in the West and Bengali speakers in the East (E) Formation of SRC for final approval on linguistic states Choose the correct answer from the options given below: |
(A), (B), (E), (C), (D) (B), (A), (C), (E), (D) (B), (C), (A), (E), (D) (A), (D), (C), (E), (B) |
(B), (C), (A), (E), (D) |
After Independence, initially the Indian state continued with the British-Indian arrangement dividing India into large provinces, also called ‘presidencies’ (B). (Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta were the three major presidencies; incidentally, all three cities after which the presidencies were named have changed their names recently). These were large multi-ethnic and multilingual provincial states constituting the major political-administrative units of a semi-federal state called the Union of India. When India was finally freed in 1947, the proponents of linguistic states asked for creation of states on linguistic basis, the Congress hesitated. Partition was the consequence of intense attachment to one’s faith; how many more partitions would that other intense loyalty, language, lead to? So ran the thinking of the top Congress bosses including Nehru, Patel and Rajaji. On the other side, the rank and file Congressmen were all for the redrawing of the map of India on the lines of language. Vigorous movements arose among Marathi and Kannada speakers, who were then spread across several different political regimes – the erstwhile Bombay and Madras presidencies (C), and former princely states such as Mysore and Hyderabad. As a result of these agitations, effotrs were made to reorganise states on ethno-linguistic lines (A) and SRC was appointed. The Report of the States Reorganisation Commission (SRC) which was implemented on November 1, 1956, (E) has helped transform the political and institutional life of the nation. Pakistan, was divided in 1971 because the Punjabi and Urdu speakers of its western wing would not respect the sentiments of the Bengalis in the east. (D)