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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Read the sentence and answer the question.

Plants use abiotic and biotic agents to achieve pollination. Wind and water are main abiotic agents. Wind pollination requires light weight and non sticky pollen grains so that they can be transported in wind currents. They often possess well exposed stamens so that pollens are easily dispersed into wind currents. The stigma is large often feathery to easily trap air-borne pollen grains. Wind pollination is quite common is grasses. Some examples of water pollinated plants  are Vallisneria and Hydrilla which grow in fresh water and several marine seagrasses such as Zostera. In majority of aquatic plants such as hyacinth and water lily, the flower emerge above the level of water and are pollinated by insect  of wind. Among the animals insects particularly bees are dominant biotic pollinating agents. Majority of insects pollinated flowers are large. colorful. fragrant and rich in nector. In some species ,floral rewards are in providing safe places to lay eggs: and example is that of tallest flower Amorphophallus. (the flower itself is about 6 feet in height). A similar relationship exists between sp. of moth and the plant Yucca where both species cannot complete their life cycle without each other.

Match List I with List II:

List- I List-II
A ) Wind pollination   I) Bees
B) Water pollination II) Grass
C) Major insect pollinator III) Zostera
D) Tallest flower IV) Amorphophallus




A- I, B- III, C-II, D- IV 

A- I, B- III, C-IV, D- II

A- II, B- I, C-III, D- IV 

A- II, B- III, C-I, D- IV

Correct Answer:

A- II, B- III, C-I, D- IV

List- I List-II
A ) Wind pollination  II) Grass
B) Water pollination III) Zostera 
C) Major insect pollinator I) Bees 
D) Tallest flower IV) Amorphophallus