Target Exam





Medieval India: Kings and Chronicles


The painting shown below is taken from Badshah Nama. Answer the questions that follow:

Who gifted the 'illustrated Badshah Nama' to King George III in 1799.


Nawab of Bhopal

Nawab of Awadh

Nizam of Hyderabad

Akbar Shah II

Correct Answer:

Nawab of Awadh


The gifting of precious manuscripts was an established diplomatic custom under the Mughals. In emulation of this, the Nawab of Awadh gifted the 'illustrated Badshah Nama' (One containing paintings along with written text) to King George III in 1799. Since then it has been preserved in the English Royal Collections, now at Windsor Castle.
In 1994 conservative work required the bound manuscript to be taken apart. This made it possible to exhibit the paintings, and in 1997 for the first time, the Badshah Nama paintings were shown in exhibitions in New Delhi, London and Washington.