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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the following idiom.

Blind alley


A situation in which no further progress can be made

A person who comes to meet occasionally

Taking first step after somebody’s approach

A state of deep thought

Correct Answer:

A situation in which no further progress can be made


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "blind alley" is >A situation in which no further progress can be made.<

This idiom is used to describe a situation that is hopeless or without any possibility of success. It can also be used to describe a path or course of action that is leading nowhere.

The term "blind alley" is derived from the fact that a blind alley is a dead-end street or passage. This means that there is no way out of the alley, and anyone who enters it will eventually have to turn back.

For example, you might say that a negotiation is a blind alley if the two sides are unable to reach an agreement. Or, you might say that a business venture is a blind alley if it is not profitable and there is no hope of it becoming profitable in the future.

The other options are not correct.

  • A person who comes to meet occasionally is not a blind alley.
  • Taking first step after somebody’s approach is not a blind alley.
  • A state of deep thought is not a blind alley.