Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Rural Development


Financial through Self Help Groups (SHGs) is referred as.


Rural Financing

Agricultural Financing

Micro-credit Financing

Primary Lending

Correct Answer:

Micro-credit Financing


The correct answer is option (3) : Micro-credit Financing

Self-Help Groups (henceforth SHGs) have emerged to fill the gap in the formal credit system because the formal credit delivery mechanism has not only proven inadequate but has also not been fully integrated into the overall rural social and community development. Since some kind of collateral is required, vast proportion of poor rural households were automatically out of the credit network. The SHGs promote thrift in small proportions by a minimum contribution from each member. From the pooled money, credit is given to the needy members to be repayable in small instalments at reasonable interest rates. By May 2019, nearly 6 crore women in India have become member in 54 lakh women SHGs. About Rs 10- 15,000 per SHG and another Rs 2.5 lakhs per SHG as a Community Investment Support Fund (CISF) are provided as part of renovating fund to take up self employement for income generation. Such credit provisions are generally referred to as micro-credit programmes.