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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Lie low


Sit on a low chair

Lie down and relax after a tiring day

Fly a plane at a low altitude

Try not to be noticed

Correct Answer:

Try not to be noticed


The most appropriate meaning of the given idiom "lie low" is (4) Try not to be noticed.

The idiom "lie low" means to keep a low profile or to avoid being seen or heard. It is often used to describe someone who is trying to avoid attention, such as a celebrity who is trying to avoid the paparazzi.

The other options do not fit the meaning of the idiom.

  • Sit on a low chair means to sit in a chair that is not very high.
  • Lie down and relax after a tiring day means to rest in a horizontal position.
  • Fly a plane at a low altitude means to fly a plane at a height that is close to the ground.