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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


The reaction between an acid and a base to give a salt and water is called ______.


neutralization reaction

combination reaction

displacement reaction

decomposition reaction

Correct Answer:

neutralization reaction


The correct answer is option 1. neutralization reaction.

A neutralization reaction is a type of chemical reaction that occurs between an acid and a base to produce salt and water. Here's how it works:

1. Acids and Bases:  Acids are substances that can donate protons (\(H^+\) ions) when dissolved in water, while bases are substances that can accept protons (\(OH^-\) ions) when dissolved in water. In aqueous solutions, acids increase the concentration of hydrogen ions \((H^+)\), while bases increase the concentration of hydroxide ions \((OH^-)\).

2. Neutralization Reaction:  When an acid reacts with a base, the \(H^+\) ions from the acid combine with the \(OH^-\) ions from the base to form water \((H_2O)\). Simultaneously, the remaining ions from the acid and the base combine to form a salt. The salt is composed of the positive ion from the base and the negative ion from the acid.

3. General Equation: The general equation for a neutralization reaction can be represented as follows:

\(Acid (HA)\, \ +\, \ Base (BOH)\, \ \longrightarrow Salt (BA)\, \ +\, \  Water\, \ (H_2O)\)

Here, \(HA\) represents the acid, \(BOH\) represents the base, \(BA\) represents the salt, and \(H_2O\) represents water.

4. Example:  One common example of a neutralization reaction is the reaction between hydrochloric acid \((HCl)\) and sodium hydroxide \((NaOH)\):
\(HCl (aq)\, \ +\, \ NaOH (aq) \longrightarrow NaCl (aq)\, \ +\, \ H_2O (l)\)

In this reaction, hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to produce sodium chloride (salt) and water.

5. Heat Evolution:  Neutralization reactions are often exothermic, meaning they release heat energy as a byproduct. This is because the formation of water molecules releases energy.

Overall, neutralization reactions play a significant role in everyday chemistry, particularly in applications such as pH regulation, wastewater treatment, and the production of various salts. They help maintain the balance of acids and bases in solutions and contribute to the formation of new compounds with specific chemical properties.