Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




What motivates individuals like Palestinian refugees to seek full membership of a state?


Legal protection and stability

Access to free education

Cultural Enrichment

None of the above

Correct Answer:

Legal protection and stability


The correct answer is Option 1 - Legal protection and stability

Individuals like Palestinian refugees strive for full membership of a state because it offers them legal protection and stability, which are lacking in their current stateless status.

The importance of full membership of a state can be appreciated if we think of the condition of the thousands of people in the world who have the bad fortune to be forced to live as refugees or illegal migrants because no state is willing to grant them membership. Such people are not guaranteed rights by any state and generally live in precarious conditions. For them full membership of a state of their choice is a goal for which they are willing to struggle, as we see today with Palestinian refugees in the Middle East.