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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following was one of the leaders of the Santhal rebellion?


Sidhu Manjhi

BR Ambedkar

Surya Sen

Swami Vivekanand

Correct Answer:

Sidhu Manjhi


The correct answer is Option 1- Sidhu Manjhi

Sidhu Manjhi was one of the leaders of the Santhal rebellion.

The Santhal rebellion was a tribal uprising against the British colonial government in 1855-56. It was led by Sidhu Manjhi and his brother Kanhu Murmu. The rebellion was sparked by the exploitation of the Santhal people by the British and the zamindars (landlords). The Santhals were forced to work as bonded laborers and their land was taken away from them. They were also subjected to religious and cultural discrimination.