Practicing Success

Target Exam





Kinds of Sentence


Choose the correct Exclamatory form of the following sentence from the options given below:

The students are excited to go for the excursion.


How excited the students are to go for the excursion!

The students were eager for the excursion!

How the students were excited for the excursion!

Excited were the students for the excursion!

Correct Answer:

How excited the students are to go for the excursion!


The correct answer is Option (1) → How excited the students are to go for the excursion!


"How excited the students are to go for the excursion!": This option effectively transforms the original declarative sentence into an exclamatory one by using the word "how" to express surprise or emphasis on the students' excitement.

"The students were eager for the excursion!": This option changes the tense of the sentence from present to past and also alters the adjective from "excited" to "eager." Additionally, it changes the declarative form of the sentence to exclamatory. However, it does not accurately reflect the original sentence.

"How the students were excited for the excursion!": This option uses "how" to express surprise or emphasis, but the word order is incorrect. In English, the standard structure for forming an exclamatory sentence with "how" is "How + adjective + subject + verb." Therefore, this option is grammatically incorrect.

"Excited were the students for the excursion!": This option alters the word order from the standard subject-verb order to a more poetic or archaic structure. While it may convey a sense of emphasis, it sounds awkward and does not effectively convey the excitement of the students in a natural way.

Therefore, option 1, "How excited the students are to go for the excursion!", is the correct choice as it accurately transforms the original declarative sentence into an exclamatory one while maintaining correct grammar and conveying the intended emphasis on the students' excitement.