Practicing Success

Target Exam





Indian Economic Development: Human Capital Formation in India


Which of the following is NOT a factor requiring government intervention in the education and health sectors in India?


Individual consumers of these services have complete information about the quality of education and health services and their costs.

The providers of education and health services may acquire monopoly power and are involved in exploitation

Expenditures on education and health make substantial long-term impact and they cannot be easily reversed.

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


We do understand that education and health care services create both private and social benefits and this is the reason for the existence of both private and public institutions in the education and health service markets. Expenditures on education and health make substantial long-term impact and they cannot be easily reversed; hence, government intervention is essential. For instance, once a child is admitted to a school or health care centre where the required services are not provided, before the decision is taken to shift the child to another institution, substantial amount of damage would have been done. Moreover, individual consumers of these services do not have complete information about the quality of services and their costs. In this situation, the providers of education and health services acquire monopoly power and are involved in exploitation. The role of government in this situation is to ensure that the private providers of these services adhere to the standards stipulated by the government and charge the correct price.