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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: Transport and Communication


Read the Passage given below and answer the following 5 questions. (Q 1)

Natural resources, economic activities and markets are rarely found in one place. Transport, communication and trade establish links between producing centres and consuming centres. The system of mass production and exchange is complex. Each region produces the items for which it is best suited. Trade or the exchange of such commodities relies on transportation and communication. Likewise, the high living standards and quality of life depend on efficient transportation, communications and trade.

Which of the following is most expensive means of transportation?
the old and elementary forms like the human porter, pack animal, cart or wagon
Correct Answer:
the old and elementary forms like the human porter, pack animal, cart or wagon
In general, the old and elementary forms like the human porter, pack animal, cart or wagon are the most expensive means of transportation and large freighters are the cheapest. They are important in supplementing modern channels and carriers which penetrate the interiors in large countries. In the densely populated districts of India and China, overland transport still takes place by human porters or carts drawn or pushed by humans.