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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Once in a blue moon


Blue sky

On a full moon night

Very rarely

At one time in space

Correct Answer:

Very rarely


The most appropriate meaning of the given idiom "once in a blue moon" is very rarely.

It is an idiom that is used to describe something that happens very infrequently. The idiom is thought to have originated from the fact that a blue moon is a second full moon in a single month. This occurs about once every 2.7 years, which is relatively rare.

For example, you might say "It snows once in a blue moon in this city." This means that it snows very rarely in this city.

The other options are not accurate descriptions of the meaning of the idiom.

  • Blue sky: This is the clear sky without clouds.
  • On a full moon night: This is a night when the moon is full.
  • At one time in space: This is not related to the meaning of the idiom.