Target Exam





Self and Personality


Several aspects of self seem to be linked to the characteristic features of the culture in which an individual lives. Analysis of self carried out in the Indian cultural context reveals a number of important features that are distinct from those found in the Western cultural context.

Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct in the context of 'culture and self'?


All western cultures are characterised as individualistic.

All Asian cultures are characterised as collectivistic

In the Indian culture, the self is generally not separated from one’s own group

All of the above

Correct Answer:

In the Indian culture, the self is generally not separated from one’s own group


In the Indian culture, the self is generally not separated from one’s own group; rather both remain in a state of harmonious co-existence. In the Western culture, on the other hand, they often remain at a distance. That is why many Western cultures are characterised as individualistic, whereas many Asian cultures are characterised as collectivistic.