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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Social Movements


Read the passage and answer the following question.

The Right to Vote

Universal adult franchise, or the right of every adult to vote, is one of the foremost rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. It means that we cannot be governed by anyone other that the people we have ourselves elected to represent us. This right is a radical departure from the days of colonial rule when ordinary people were forced to submit to the authority of colonial officers who represented the interests of the British Crown. However, even in Britain, not everyone was allowed to vote. Voting rights were limited to property-owning men. Chartism was a social movement for parliamentary representation in England. In 1839, more than 1.25 million people signed the People's Charter asking for universal male suffrage, voting by ballot, and the right to stand for elections without owning property. In 1842, the movement managed to collect 3.25 million signatures, a huge number for a tiny country. Yet, it was only after World War I, in 1918 that all men over 21, married women, women owning houses, and women university graduates over the age of 30, got the right to vote. When the suffragettes (women activists) took up the cause of all adult women's right to vote, they were bitterly opposed and their movement violently crushed.

Which of the following is not related to Chartism?


Right to Vote

Right to be elected

Right to have representation

Right to work

Correct Answer:

Right to work


The correct answer is Option (4) - Right to work

Right to Vote: Chartism specifically demanded universal male suffrage, which is the right to vote for all men.

Right to be elected: Removing the property qualification for becoming a Member of Parliament was one of Chartism's six demands.

Right to have representation: Chartism was a social movement for parliamentary representation in England.