Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Key Result Areas, belong to :


Critical Point Control

Management by Exception

Breakeven Analysis

Management by Objective

Correct Answer:

Critical Point Control


The correct answer is option (1) : Critical Point Control

Critical Point Control: .Critical Point Control: It is neither economical nor easy to keep a check on each and every activity in an organisation. Control should, therefore, focus on key result areas (KRAs) which are critical to the success of an organisation. These KRAs are set as the critical points. If anything goes wrong at the critical points, the entire organisation suffers.

Management by Exception: Management by exception, which is often referred to as control by exception, is an important principle of management control based on the belief that an attempt to control everything results in controlling nothing. Thus, only significant deviations which go beyond the permissible limit should be brought to the notice of management.

Breakeven Analysis: Breakeven analysis is a financial concept used to determine the point at which a business's revenue equals its  expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. It helps businesses understand the level of sales or activity required to cover their costs.

Management by Objective (MBO): Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management philosophy and approach that focuses on setting clear, specific, and measurable objectives or goals for employees and departments. It's a method to ensure that employees are working toward common goals and that their performance aligns with the organization's overall objectives