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General Test


General Knowledge


Which two kings fought in the Battle of Hydaspes?


Chandragupta and Dhana Nanda

Alexander and Porus

Ashoka and Mahapadmanabha

Mihirakula and Yasodharman

Correct Answer:

Alexander and Porus


The correct answer is Option 2- Alexander and Porus

The two kings who fought in the Battle of Hydaspes were Alexander the Great and Porus.

The Battle of Hydaspes took place in 326 BC on the banks of the Jhelum River in the Punjab region of India. Alexander the Great was the king of Macedonia, and he was on a campaign to conquer India. Porus was the king of the Pauravas, and he was determined to defend his kingdom from Alexander.

The Battle of Hydaspes was a decisive victory for Alexander the Great. However, it was also a very costly victory. Alexander's army suffered heavy casualties, and Porus' army was also badly defeated.

The Battle of Hydaspes was a turning point in Alexander's campaign in India. It showed that the Indians were capable of putting up a fierce resistance, and it also convinced Alexander that he could not conquer all of India. After the Battle of Hydaspes, Alexander decided to turn back and return to Macedonia.