Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: The Constitution and Social Change


In Indian, de-centralised governance ushered in by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment. What was the need for it?


To ensure democracy at grassroots level

To make India independent

To ensure equality between central and state government

To ensure Universal Adult Franchise

Correct Answer:

To ensure democracy at grassroots level


The correct answer is Option (1) → To ensure democracy at grassroots level

The need for the decentralization of governance, as ushered in by the 73rd Constitutional Amendment in India, primarily aimed to ensure democracy at the grassroots level. This decentralization sought to empower local governing bodies, such as Panchayats, to make decisions and implement policies that directly affect their communities. By devolving power to these local bodies, the government aimed to bring governance closer to the people, promote participatory democracy, address local issues effectively, and ensure more equitable distribution of resources and development across various regions of the country.