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Target Exam



Political Science


Constitution: Why And How?


Which of the following features of the Indian Constitution is adopted from the British Constitution?


Parliamentary Form of Government

First Past the Post

Institution of the Speaker and her/his role Law-making procedure

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


The correct answer is Option 4 - All of the above

Option 1- Parliamentary Form of Government
Option 2- First Past the Post
Option 3- Institution of the Speaker and her/his role Law-making procedure
Option 4- All of the above

Provisions adopted from the constitutions of different countries:

British Constitution:
First Past the Post

Parliamentary Form of Government
The idea of the rule of law
Institution of the Speaker and her/his role Law-making procedure

Irish Constitution- Directive Principles of State Policy

United States Constitution- Charter of Fundamental Rights, Power of Judicial Review and independence of the judiciary

Canadian Constitution- A quasi-federal form of government (a federal system with a strong central government) The idea of Residual Powers

French Constitution- Principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.