Practicing Success

Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Identify the major religious teachers from Uttar-Pradesh in 1300-1600 CE :

(A) Kabir
(B) Basavanna
(C) Jnanadeva
(D) Tulsidas
(E) Ramananda

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(B), (C), (E) Only

(A), (B), (C) Only

(A), (D), (E) Only

(C), (D), (E) Only

Correct Answer:

(A), (D), (E) Only


The correct answer is Option (3) → (A), (D), (E) Only

c.1100-1200 Basavanna in Karnataka
c.1200-1300: Jnanadeva in Maharashtra
c.1300-1400: Ramananda in Uttar Pradesh
c.1400-1500: Kabir, Raidas, Surdas in Uttar Pradesh
c.1500-1600: Tulsidas in Uttar Pradesh

Here's the reason for the selection of the major religious teachers from Uttar Pradesh in the 1300-1600 CE timeframe:

Kabir (Option A): Kabir was a significant religious and spiritual teacher. He was known for his teachings that emphasized a formless, monotheistic God and rejected many ritualistic practices.

Tulsidas (Option D): Tulsidas was the author of the epic poem "Ramcharitmanas,". His work contributed to the popularization of the story of Lord Rama and devotion to Lord Rama in the Hindi-speaking regions of India.

Ramananda (Option E): Ramananda was a leading figure in the Bhakti movement and played a key role in popularizing devotion to Lord Rama.