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Target Exam





Ancient India: Bricks, Beads and Bones


Match the following regions in List 1 with the description associated with it in List 2:

List- 1 (Region)

List- 2 (Description)

(A) Chanhudaro

(I) The cylindrical seal is typical of this region

(B) Balakot

(II) Harappans may have sent expeditions here for copper

(C) Khetri Area

(III) Harappan site almost exclusively dedicated to craft production

(D) Mesopotamia

(IV) Harappan site specializing in crafting shell objects

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


(A)- I, (B)- IV, (C)- II, (D)- III

(A)- I, (B)- III, (C)- II, (D)- IV

(A)- III, (B)- IV, (C)- II, (D)- I

(A)- II, (B)- III, (C)- IV, (D)- I

Correct Answer:

(A)- III, (B)- IV, (C)- II, (D)- I


The correct answer is Option 3 - (A)- III, (B)- IV, (C)- II, (D)- I

The correct Match is:

List- 1 (Region)

List- 2 (Description)

(A) Chanhudaro

(III) Harappan site almost exclusively dedicated to craft production

(B) Balakot

(IV) Harappan site specializing in crafting shell objects

(C) Khetri Area

(II) Harappans may have sent expeditions here for copper

(D) Mesopotamia

(I) The cylindrical seal is typical of this region


Chanhudaro a tiny settlement (less than 7 hectares) as compared to Mohenjodaro (125 hectares), almost exclusively devoted to craft production, including bead-making, shell-cutting, metal-working, seal-making and weight-making.

Nageshwar and Balakot, located near the coast, were specialized centers for crafting shell objects like bangles, ladles, and inlays, which were then distributed to other settlements.

Harappans may have sent expeditions to regions like the Khetri area of Rajasthan for copper and South India for gold. These expeditions facilitated communication and contact with local communities.

The cylindrical seal is typical of Mesopotamia, but the humped bull motif on it appears to be derived from the Indus region.