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Target Exam





Molecular Basis of Inheritance


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The process of replication requires a set of catalyst (enzymes). The main enzyme is referred to as DNA dependent DNA Polymerase. E.Coli that has only 4.6x106 bp (compare it with human whose diploid content is 6.6x106 bp), completes the process of replication within 18 minutes, that means the average rate of polymerisation has to be approximately 2000 bp per second these polymerase also have catalyse the reaction with high degree of accuracy. Deoxyribonucleoside triphophates serve dual purposes. In addition to DNA dependent DNA polymerases, many additional enzymes are required to complete the process of replication with high degree of accuracy. For long DNA molecules, since the two strands of DNA cannot be separated in its entire length ( due to very high energy requirement), the replication occur with in a small opening of the DNA helix, referred to as replication fork. The DNA-dependent DNA polymerase catalyse polymerisation only in one direction. that is 5'-3'. This creates some additional complications at the replicating fork. Consequently, on one strand (the template with polarity 3'—5') the replication is continuous, which on the others (the template with polarity 5'—3}). it is the discontiuous. The non-continuously synthesized fragments are later joined by the enzyme DNA ligase.

The number of nucleotide in E. coli is :


1.2 X 106 bp

2.3 X 106 bp

4.6 X 106 bp

6.6 X 106 bp

Correct Answer:

4.6 X 106 bp


The correct answer is Option (3) -4.6 X 106 bp

DNA is a long polymer of deoxyribonucleotides. The length of DNA is usually defined as number of nucleotides (or a pair of nucleotide referred to as base pairs) present in it. This also is the characteristic of an organism. For example, a bacteriophage known as φ ×174 has 5386 nucleotides, Bacteriophage lambda has 48502 base pairs (bp), Escherichia coli has 4.6 × 106 bp, and haploid content of human DNA is 3.3 × 109 bp. Let us discuss the structure of such a long polymer.