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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Acidic drain cleaners made of ______ or _____ acid are powerful enough to clear heavy-duty hair, food, grease, soap scum or paper-based clogs in 15 minutes or less.


formic, citric

nitric, carbonic

sulphuric, hydrochloric

malic, lactic

Correct Answer:

sulphuric, hydrochloric


The correct answer is option 3. sulphuric, hydrochloric.

Acidic drain cleaners are chemical substances designed to unclog and clean drains by reacting with and dissolving materials that cause blockages. Two common acids used in these cleaners are sulfuric acid (Hâ‚‚SOâ‚„) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).

1. Sulfuric Acid (Hâ‚‚SOâ‚„):

Sulfuric acid is a strong and highly reactive acid commonly used in industrial and household applications, including drain cleaners. It is effective at breaking down organic materials, such as hair, grease, soap scum, and paper-based clogs, through a process of chemical dissolution. The acid reacts with the substances causing the clog, converting them into water-soluble compounds that can be easily flushed away.

2. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl):

Hydrochloric acid is another strong acid commonly used in drain cleaners for its corrosive properties. Like sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid reacts with organic materials, breaking them down into soluble components. The chemical reaction generates heat, which can also contribute to the dissolution of the clog.


Acidic drain cleaners are known for their rapid action, often clearing tough clogs in 15 minutes or less. They are particularly effective against organic materials that may accumulate and obstruct drainage pipes.


While these cleaners are powerful, they require careful handling due to their corrosive nature. Users should follow safety instructions provided by the product and take precautions to avoid skin contact or inhalation of fumes.

Environmental Considerations:

The use of strong acids raises environmental concerns, and proper disposal practices should be followed to prevent harm to the environment.

It's important to note that acidic drain cleaners are not suitable for all types of plumbing systems. They may damage certain materials, such as PVC pipes, and should be used with caution. Additionally, alternative drain cleaning methods, such as enzymatic or alkaline cleaners, may be preferred in certain situations.