Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Rearrange the following phrases to make a meaningful sentence:-

A. lacking strength to get into bed
B. huddled on a chair
C. she remained in her evening dress
D. without volition
E. or power of thought

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


C, A, B, D, E

C, D, E, A, B

B, C, D, A, E

B, D, E, A, C

Correct Answer:

C, A, B, D, E


The correct answer is Option (1) → C, A, B, D, E

C. she remained in her evening dress

A. lacking strength to get into bed

B. huddled on a chair

D. without volition

E. or power of thought

She remained in her evening clothes, lacking strength to get into bed, huddled on a chair, without volition or power of thought