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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: The Cold War Era


Read the passage and select the right answer to the following questions:

The Cuban Missile Crisis was a high point of what came to be known as the Cold War. The Cold War referred to the competition, the tensions and a series of confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union, backed by their respective allies. Fortunately, however, it never escalated into a ‘hot war’, that is, a full-scale war between these two powers. There were wars in various regions, with the two powers and their allies involved in warfare and in supporting regional allies, but at least the world avoided another global war. The Cold War was not simply a matter of power rivalries, military alliances, and of the balance of power. These were accompanied by a real ideological conflict as well, a difference over the best and the most appropriate way of organising political, economic, and social life all over the world. The western alliance, headed by the US, represented the ideology of liberal democracy and capitalism while the eastern alliance, headed by the Soviet Union, was committed to the ideology of socialism and communism.

What did the two Cold War countries fight each other over?


Political, Economic and Military influence.

The best technology.

Having the most superior weapons.

All of the above.

Correct Answer:

Political, Economic and Military influence.


Both the USA and USSR were competing for political, economic and military influence along with fighting an ideological war.