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Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


What are the four basic processes that contribute to changes in population density?


Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration

Food availability, predation pressure, adverse weather, habitat quality

Relative densities, ecological investigations, population growth, population size

Carrot grass plants, banyan trees, Chlamydomonas, Siberian cranes

Correct Answer:

Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration


The correct answer is: a) Birth rate, death rate, immigration, emigration

The four basic processes that contribute to changes in population density are birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

  1. Birth rate: The rate at which new individuals are born into the population. It increases the population size.
  2. Death rate: The rate at which individuals die within the population. It decreases the population size.
  3. Immigration: The movement of individuals into a population from another population or habitat. It increases the population size.
  4. Emigration: The movement of individuals out of a population to another population or habitat. It decreases the population size.

These processes affect the population density by influencing the number of individuals present in a given habitat or area over time. By understanding and studying these processes, ecologists can gain insights into the dynamics and changes in population size and density.