Practicing Success

Target Exam





Micro Economics: Introduction


Which of the following situation would result in actual output being less than the potential output?


When the given resources are not fully utilised

When the resources are extra efficient and cause zero wastage

When the technology is imported and results in increase in the cost

Both 1 and 3

Correct Answer:

When the given resources are not fully utilised


The Correct Answer is option 1: When the given resources are not fully utilised

When resources are not fully utilized, it means that there are idle resources or factors of production that are not being used efficiently to produce goods and services. This inefficiency leads to a lower level of output than what could be produced if all resources were fully utilized.

If the resources are extra efficient or there is an increase in the technology due to import of the same, that would result in increase in the production or reaching near to the potential output limit of the economy.