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Target Exam





Resource Mobilisation


Which of the following is NOT a feature of stock exchange?


It deals with shares, debenture, bonds and such securities already issued by the companies.

Stock exchange does not buy or sell any securities on its own account.

All the transactions in securities at the stock exchange are effected directly by the investors.

Stock exchanges are the financial barometers and development indicators of national economy of the country.

Correct Answer:

All the transactions in securities at the stock exchange are effected directly by the investors.


Features of stock exchange:
Deals in second hand securities: It deals with shares, debenture, bonds and such securities already issued by the companies. In short it deals with existing or second hand securities and hence it is called secondary market.
Regulates trade in securities: Stock exchange does not buy or sell any securities on its own account. It merely provides the necessary infrastructure and facilities to its members and brokers who trade in securities. It regulates the trade activities so as to ensure free and fair trade.
Transactions effected only through members: All the transactions in securities at the stock exchange are effected only through its authorized brokers and members. Outsiders or direct investors are not allowed to enter in the trading circles of the stock exchange. Investors have to buy or sell the securities at the stock exchange through the authorized brokers only.
Financial barometers: Stock exchanges are the financial barometers and development indicators of national economy of the country. Industrial growth and stability is reflected in the index of stock exchange.